Decal Installation Instructions
Surface must be clean of dirt, dust, oil, and wax. If applying to glass, it is recommended to clean it twice before applying the decal. Do not use Windex or other window cleaners because they leave a film on the glass. Use a solution or 80% water and 20% rubbing alcohol and clean application surface thoroughly and let dry. This solution can also be used on the vehicle body.
Temporarily place the decal in the desired location with two small pieces of masking tape (one on each upper corner of the decal) holding the decal to the vehicle surface. With a measuring tape, align the decal with the window or body section. Apply a long piece of masking tape along the top of the decal with approximately half of the tape on the decal and half on the vehicle surface. This will make a large ‘hinged flap’.
Raise the large ‘hinged flap’, and begin to peel the wax paper backing (Liner) off the decal (exposing the sticky side of the decal). DO NOT ALLOW THE STICKY PART OF THE DECAL TO TOUCH THE VEHICLE SURFACE.
Without allowing the decal to touch the surface, lower the hinged flap (Vinyl Decal and Pre Mask) slowly until your finger is about 1″ away from the surface. Starting from the top center, slowly and firmly begin to apply the sticky side of the decal to the application surface with a plastic squeegee. Be sure to use even strokes horizontally across the decal while working your way down. Once the entire sticky side of the decal is applied to the surface, squeegee over the decal again with increasingly harder strokes.
Spray a little bit of the solution (wet it completely) on the transfer paper and let it sit for about 30 seconds. (Optional) This will help release the adhesive from the transfer paper. Begin removing the transfer paper covering, peeling from one of the top corner to the bottom of the opposite corner.
Any small bubbles can be removed by poking a small hole with a needle and then pushing the air out of the bubble with your index finger. But I would give it a few days and they will probably come out on their own. If bubbles still exist after 2 weeks, give em a poke!
This video below with help with all sizes, but especially with larger ones.